Meditation cushion

How to Start a Home Meditation Practice

Zen teacher Norman Fischer proposes a two-week trial run to get your meditation practice started and looks at how to deal with some of the obstacles you may encounter.

Green Tara: You Are the Divine Feminine

No matter your gender identification, you can do Green Tara practice and help bring yourself—and the world—into balance. Lama Döndrup Drölma offers step-by-step instructions. Watch Lama Döndrup Drölma in Lion’s Roar’s upcoming free online event, “<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">The Women of Wisdom Summit.</a>”

3 Ways to Uncover Your Natural Awareness

Diana Winston on three ways to bring natural awareness into your mindfulness practice — and your life.

How to Practice Dream Yoga

When you develop lucidity in your dreams, you develop lucidity in your life. Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche on the practice of dream yoga.

A Practice to Work with Grief

Kimberly Brown takes us through the practice of “standing on the earth,” which can help us in times of great change and grief.

The Four Highest Emotions

Ayya Khema on cultivating loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity.

Chanting for Buddhahood

Shodaigyo meditation combines silent sitting with chanting to the beat of a drum. Ryuei Michael McCormick on how to do this calming yet exhilarating practice.

A Jewish-Buddhist Practice for Well-Being

Darren Kleinberg teaches a Jewish-Buddhist practice for holding the whole universe in your heart.

Silent Illumination: The Method of No-Method

The practice is to be fully here, with this body and mind, in this space. Rebecca Li on silent illumination.

How to Practice Bearing Witness

A three-step practice to connect with and serve those who are suffering.