Death Rebirth Patti Smith Shambhala Sun

Death and the Rebirth of Patti Smith

A series of deaths-her husband, brother and closest friend--has softened the heart of the once angry poet and singer.

gary snyder

The Wild Mind of Gary Snyder

For the nineties, the celebrated Beat rebel advocates "wild mind," neighborhood values and watershed politics.

Mindfulness Bell: A Profile of Thich Nhat Hanh

Thich Nhat Hanh's ringing call to practice mindfulness and interconnection has inspired a worldwide movement of politically engaged Buddhists.

John Cage on Emptiness, Silence, and Intention.

Writer and art expert Dean Rolston interviewed John Cage on the occasion of a five-day tribute at Stanford University marking the composer's 80th birthday.

John Cage on meditation and art

Alan Anderson interviews John Cage on the influence of Buddhism and meditation on his work and his life.