Damchö Diana Finnegan

Damchö Diana Finnegan is a translator, author, and cofounder of Comunidad Dharmadatta (Dharmadatta Community), a Spanish-speaking community that locates gender and ecological issues at the heart of Buddhist practice. She co-edited and translated Interconnected: Embracing Life in a Global Society and The Heart Is Noble: Changing the World From the Inside Out. From 1999, she held monastic vows for over two decades. 

Recent Articles

Watch – New Videos on Reckoning With Abuse in Buddhist Communities

Confronting systemic abuse within spiritual communities is important for individual and community alike. That's why Damcho Diana Finnegan, co-founder of the Dharmadatta Community, has launched a series of interviews that aim to help us face and understand abuse and how to promote community accountability and justice for survivors.

Samaya as Symbiotic Relationship

Damchö Diana Finnegan on the guru–disciple bond in Vajrayana Buddhism, and how to navigate it in healthful, beneficial ways.

Women Receive Full Ordination in Bhutan For First Time in Modern History

Damcho Diana Finnegan and Dr. Carola Roloff report on Thursday's historic ceremony that saw the full ordination of 144 female monastics in Bhutan.