Chris Pacheco is the Associate AV Editor at Lion’s Roar, a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioner, and writes On Being Human, a monthly newsletter to share ideas that could potentially change the way you live.
Chris Pacheco is the Associate AV Editor at Lion’s Roar, a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioner, and writes On Being Human, a monthly newsletter to share ideas that could potentially change the way you live.
Anxiety is a natural response to being human, says Lion’s Roar’s Chris Pacheco. When we try to control our anxious feelings instead of accepting them, we might end up exacerbating fear and worry. Here, he outlines three main strategies for moving through anxiety.
La ansiedad es una respuesta natural ante el hecho de ser humano, dice Chris Pacheco, editor de Lion’s Roar. Cuando tratamos de controlar nuestros sentimientos de ansiedad en vez de aceptarlos, quizás terminemos exacerbando el miedo y la preocupación. Aquí, Chris boceta tres estrategias fundamentales para transitar la ansiedad.
Chris Pacheco, Lion’s Roar’s Associate AV Editor, unpacks the real meaning of ninth-century Chinese Buddhist monk Linji Yixuan's famous quote.
Chris Pacheco, el editor de audiovisuales de Lion’s Roar, escribe acerca de porqué tomar la práctica budista de maranasati, o conciencia de la muerte –incluso si no queremos hacerlo para nada.
Chris Pacheco, Lion’s Roar’s Associate AV Editor, on why you might take up the Buddhist practice of maranasati, or mindfulness of death — even if you really, really don’t want to.