Jody Hojin Kimmel

Jody Hojin Kimmel

Jody Hojin Kimmel, Sensei, is the Abbot of the Zen Center of NYC-Fire Lotus Temple in Brooklyn and the training director for the Mountains and Rivers Order at Zen Mountain Monastery, where she has been in full-time residential training for over thirty years. She ordained as a priest with John Daido Loori and received dharma transmission in 2017 from Geoffrey Shugen Arnold. She is also an artist and teaches Art Practices as a means to study the self and open oneself up to the creative process.

Recent Articles

Ir sintiendo nuestro camino al despertar

¿Esas emociones que quisiéramos no tener, esas que nos gustaría que se acabaran? Esos sentimientos, dice Jody Hojin Kimmel, no son obstáculos en el camino –son el camino.

Feeling Our Way to Awakening

The emotions we wish we didn’t have, that we’d like to just get over? Those feelings, say Jody Hojin Kimmel, are not obstacles on the path — they are the path.