David Loy is a scholar and a Zen teacher in the Sanbo Zen tradition. His latest book is A New Buddhist Path: Enlightenment, Evolution, and Ethics in the Modern World; he is also co-editor of A Buddhist Response to the Climate Emergency.
David Loy is a scholar and a Zen teacher in the Sanbo Zen tradition. His latest book is A New Buddhist Path: Enlightenment, Evolution, and Ethics in the Modern World; he is also co-editor of A Buddhist Response to the Climate Emergency.
¿Cómo responden los bodhisattvas a la mayor crisis de nuestro tiempo? Apropiadamente, dice el maestro budista y activista, David Loy.
How do bodhisattvas respond to the greatest crisis of our time? Appropriately, says Buddhist teacher and activist David Loy.
David Loy gets personal with the Lion's Roar readership.
Buddhists, says David Loy, have often been slow to open their eyes to the problem of climate change. He examines key teachings to understand why.
David Loy makes clear what Buddhism offers in the face of climate change. From the Spring 2019 issue of Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Quarterly.
Now that Buddhism has come to the West, asks David Loy, how are they changing each other?
David Loy on why Buddhism’s bodhisattva ideal is what the world needs now. Unless you’re on long retreat in a Himalayan cave, it’s becoming more difficult to overlook the fact that our world is beset by interacting ecological, economic, and social crises. Climate breakdown, species extinction, a dysfunctional economic system, corporate domination of government, overpopulation—it’s…
Professor and Zen Buddhist teacher David Loy proposes that the Occupy Wall Street protests signify a collective awakening.
David Loy on the dire need to rethink our perceived antagonism between Ecology and the Economy.
What does Buddhism add to conventional Western conceptions about money?