Sharon Salzberg

Sharon Salzberg

Sharon Salzberg is co-founder of Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts, and the author of many books, including the New York Times bestseller, Real Happiness; her seminal work, Lovingkindness; and her latest, Real Change: Mindfulness To Heal Ourselves and the World.

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See also: The Best of Sharon Salzberg


Recent Articles

Becoming the Ally of All Beings

A teaching by Sharon Salzberg on the interconnectedness of all things.

A butterfly sits on a flower.

The Magic Moment in Meditation

Sharon Salzberg explains how to practice basic breath meditation.

How to Stay Calm In the Midst of Chaos

Sharon Salzberg on the power of equanimity — the essence of complete presence.

Love Everyone: A Guide for Spiritual Activists

Sharon Salzberg and Rev. angel Kyodo williams discuss how we can bring spirituality and politics together to build a more just and compassionate society.

On Suffering and the End of Suffering

It's an essential truth about life itself: suffering of one kind or another is a natural part of existence. Knowing this truth gives our lives wholeness and peace, as it frees us from the exhausting postures of pretense and denial.

Surprised by Joy

The road to happiness, says Sharon Salzberg, is paved with kindness.

Know Your Enemy

We call people who harm us enemies, but is that who they really are? When we see the person behind the label, say Buddhist teachers Sharon Salzberg and Robert Thurman, everyone benefits.

The Myth of Multitasking

We have the illusion that multitasking makes us more efficient, but it only makes us unhappy, says Sharon Salzberg.

Don’t I Know You?

When we overlook the strangers among us, we miss the chance to connect to people as they are, free of the usual ways we judge them.

Take Care of Yourself Too

Sharon Salzberg reflects on the selflessness of everyday caregivers, and encouraging a balance of compassion and equanimity.

Generosity Insight Meditation Shambhala Sun Lion's Roar Buddhism Sharon Salzberg

Generosity’s Perfection

Giving up, giving in, just plain giving—Sharon Salzberg says that’s the truly transformative experience.

Sit Like a Mountain: An Image of Equanimity

Sharon Salzberg teaches on why equanimity is important, and how to foster it.

The Gift Goenka Gave Us

S.N. Goenka, in the lineage of Ledi Sayadaw, brought the method of insight meditation to modern-day people from all walks of life.

Meditation, Norman Fischer, Sharon Salzberg, Gaylon Ferguson, Geoffrey Shugen Arnold, Buddhadharma, Forum, Buddhism, Lion's Roar

Is Meditation Enough?

Sharon Salzberg, Geoffrey Shugen Arnold, and Gaylon Ferguson examine the central role of meditation in Western Buddhism and explore how other practices, such as study and ritual, may or may not be necessary. With introduction by Norman Fischer.

Real Happiness

Renowned Buddhist teacher Sharon Salzberg explores the myriad benefits of meditation.

How Do We Develop Faith?

The Buddha once told this story about faith: A herd of cows arrives at the bank of a wide stream. The mature ones see the stream and simply wade across it.

Lion's Roar

The Issue of Faith in a Non-theistic Religion

What does faith mean to a Buddhist? Zen teacher Norman Fischer talks with Sharon Salzberg about the conclusions she draws in her new book.