Monica Jordan

Monica Jordan

Monica is a spiritual counselor and an educator in the mental health space. She holds a Master of Education (M.Ed.) and a master’s Certificate in Mind, Brain, and Teaching (MCMBT) from Johns Hopkins University. Monica has been practicing mindfulness for over 22 years and served as the Spanish Program Coordinator and Editor for Tara Brach’s Dharma Talks and Meditations for the Spanish-speaking world. To learn more about her and what she offers, visit her website

Recent Articles

Cómo navegar transiciones en tiempos de incertidumbre

Monica Jordan reflexiona sobre su experiencia al mudarse de Argentina a los Estados Unidos y cómo cambió su percepción de las transiciones de la vida.

How to Navigate Transitions in Times of Uncertainty

Monica Jordan reflects on her experience moving from Argentina to the United States and how it changed her perceptions of life's transitions.

Como trabajar con la ira

Mónica Jordan explora cómo relacionarnos con la ira de una manera consciente.

How to Work with Anger

Monica Jordan explores how to meet anger with conscious awareness.