B. Alan Wallace

A former monk ordained by the Dalai Lama, B. Alan Wallace holds a doctorate in religious studies and writes frequently on Buddhism and science. He is founder and president of the Santa Barbara Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Consciousness.

Recent Articles

Cortar las raíces de nuestro descontento – Al estilo budista

B. Alan Wallace habla sobre cómo los kleshas o "aflictores mentales" nos impiden reconocer la verdadera naturaleza de nuestra mente, y cómo podemos empezar a llegar a la raíz de nuestro descontento reconociendo los kleshas por lo que son.

Severing the Roots of Our Discontent – The Buddhist Way

B. Alan Wallace on how the kleshas or “mental afflictors” keep us from realizing the true nature of our mind, and how we can begin to get to the root of our discontent by recognizing the kleshas for what they are.

Dharma puro, Dharma descalzo

Para practicar el dharma con pureza, sugiere B. Alan Wallace, tenemos que caminar descalzos antes de que podamos correr -aprender y practicar los fundamentos- antes de que vayamos hacia técnicas más avanzadas.

Pure Dharma, Barefoot Dharma

To practice the dharma purely, we have to walk barefoot before we can run–learning and practicing fundamentals before we go on to more advanced techniques.