photo of Lama Willa Blythe-Baker

Willa Blythe Baker

Willa Blythe Baker is the founder and spiritual director of Natural Dharma Fellowship in Boston as well as its retreat center, Wonderwell Mountain Refuge, in Springfield, New Hampshire. She is an authorized teacher in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, having completed two three-year retreats, and the author of The Arts of Contemplative Care, Everyday Dharma, and Essence of Ambrosia. Her forthcoming book explores the body’s natural wisdom.

Recent Articles

“Days of Spring,” 2021. Painting by Yeachin Tsai. © Yeachin Tsai

Los componentes básicos de la pertenencia

Según Willa Blythe Baker, formar una comunidad fuerte y saludable comienza con la comprensión de cómo se construye.

“When You Are Ready…”

Willa Blythe Baker on the many forms in which our teachers might manifest.

Heat in the desert

Cinco prácticas Budistas para afrontar el cambio climático

El cambio climático puede parecer tan inmenso que duele sólo de pensarlo. Willa Blythe Baker ofrece cinco meditaciones que te ayudarán a tomar conciencia de la verdad del cambio climático y a sentar las bases de una respuesta acertada.

La meditación solo llega hasta cierto punto

Si quieres conectarte con la cualidad mental abierta y espaciosa, dice Willa Blythe Baker, en algún momento tienes que dejar de intentar meditar.

A Meditation to Befriend Your Feelings

How you relate to your feelings, says Willa Blythe Baker, may be the most important habit of all. When you meet your feelings with grace and mindfulness, you find they’re your best friends on the spiritual path.

Rompiendo el silencio sobre la conducta sexual inapropiada

Willa Blythe Baker ofrece su dolorosa experiencia personal sobre la conducta sexual inapropiada por parte de un gurú. También brinda una recomendaciones para comunidades e individuos sobrevivientes de este tipo de abuso.

Ask the Teachers: How do I maintain my faith in Buddhist teachings?

Willa Blythe Baker, Josh Korda, and Tenku Ruff answer a practitioner's question about losing faith in the institutions of Buddhism and the dharma itself. 

Meditation Only Goes So Far

If you want to connect with the open, spacious quality of mind, says Willa Blythe Baker, at some point you have to stop trying to meditate.

“Days of Spring,” 2021. Painting by Yeachin Tsai. © Yeachin Tsai

The Building Blocks of Belonging

According to Willa Blythe Baker, making a strong, healthy community starts with understanding how it is constructed.

The Opposite of Grasping Is Intimacy

Willa Blythe Baker explores the idea of “entanglement,” coming to the conclusion that the opposite of attachment isn’t detachment — it’s intimacy.

El opuesto del aferramiento es la intimidad

Cada uno de nosotros, dice Lama Willa Miller, está atrapado en las apariencias, pero apartarlas no nos va a liberar, en vez de eso, necesitamos mirarlas más de cerca.

5 Buddhist Practices to Help Tackle Climate Change

Willa Blythe Baker offers five meditations to help accept the truth of climate change, laying the ground for a skillful response.

Living in This Strange Moment Together

Living in This Strange Moment Together

As the COVID-19 outbreak shakes the world, Willa Blythe Baker offers a personal reflection on what it means to exist in this strange moment together.

Breaking the Silence on Sexual Misconduct

Willa Blythe Baker offers both her painful firsthand account of sexual misconduct by a guru and insight for fellow survivors and communities.

Door to zendo.

Advice for Women in a Secret Sexual Relationship with Their Buddhist Teacher

Willa Blythe Baker offers nine pieces of advice for women who find themselves in secret relationships with their teachers.

Meet a Teacher: Willa Miller

Meet Buddhist teacher Willa Miller.

Reviews: Investigating the Subtle Body

Willa B. Miller reviews "Religion and the Subtle Body in Asia and the West" and "Training the Wisdom Body: Buddhist Yogic Exercise".