bell hooks

bell hooks (1952-2021) described herself as a “Black woman intellectual, revolutionary activist.” A leading cultural critic and thinker about such issues as feminism and race, bell hooks published more than 30 books, including All About Love: New Visions.


Recent Articles

Toward a Revolution of Love

In this important essay, the late bell hooks inspires us to make her vision of a culture of love come true.

bell hooks

Toward a Worldwide Culture of Love

The practice of love, says bell hooks, is the most powerful antidote to the politics of domination.

John Perry Barlow and bell hooks

bell hooks and John Perry Barlow talk “prana in cyberspace”

A 1995 conversation between digital activist and lyricist John Perry Barlow — who died on February 7, 2018 — and social theorist bell hooks.

Voices and Visions

When the spirit moves into writing, shaping its direction, that is a moment of pure mystery.

A Beacon of Light: bell hooks on Thich Nhat Hanh

The leading cultural critic and thinker bell hooks shares what Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh means to people of color.

bell hooks and Pema Chodron.

Cultivating Openness When Things Fall Apart

Isn't that the kind of teaching we need these days, that difficult circumstances can be the path to liberation. That's news you can use.

The Power of Real Love: A Conversation with Sharon Salzberg and bell hooks

Sharon Salzberg and bell hooks sit down with Lion's Roar's Melvin McLeod for a discussion on the power of love.

bell hooks thich nhat hanh

Building a Community of Love: bell hooks and Thich Nhat Hanh

bell hooks meets with Thich Nhat Hanh to ask: how do we build a community of love?

bell hooks and Pema Chodron.

Pema Chödrön & bell hooks on cultivating openness when life falls apart

bell hooks talks to Pema Chödrön about how to open your heart to life's most difficult challenges.

Penis Passion

bell hooks argues that our erotic lives are enhanced when men and women can celebrate the penis in ways that don't uphold macho stereotypes.

Ain’t She Still a Woman?

Increasingly, patriarchy is offered as the solution to the crisis black men face. Black women face a culture where everyone wants us to stay in our place.

Rebel’s Dilemma

From childhood on I have had to struggle to break from the impositions of images that don’t represent me accurately or well.

When Men Were Men

The message is that it's fine for women to stray from sexist roles and play around with life on the other side, as long as we come back to our senses.

Design: A Happening Life

"When life is happening, design has meaning, and every design we encounter strengthens our recognition of the value of being alive."

When the Spirit Moves You

"I walked further and further away from father and son," says bell hooks. But my steps always drew me closer to holy spirit."