The Essential Guide to Buddhist Teachings on Mindfulness

Essential Guide to Buddhist Teachings on Mindfulness

Mindfulness is being purposefully aware, without judgement, of what is happening in your mind, body, and environment in the present moment. Buddhists have been teaching and practicing mindfulness for thousands of years, with “right mindfulness” being the seventh step on the Buddha’s Eightfold Path to awakening. Here, Diana Winston, Gaylon Ferguson, Anushka Fernandopulle, and more dive into the practice, foundation, and application of mindfulness in our everyday lives.


The Power of Mindfulness

Diana Winston on how to use the tools of mindfulness to work with negative patterns like shame, guilt, and self-criticism that stand in the way of caring for and liking yourself.

What Mindfulness Is (Not)

You can’t reduce mindfulness to just a single idea. Andrew Olendzki unpacks its many meanings in classical Buddhism.

Mindfulness and the Buddha’s Eightfold Path

To understand how to practice mindfulness in daily life, says Gaylon Ferguson, we have to look at all eight steps of the Buddha's noble eightfold path.


How RAIN Can Nourish You

Jack Kornfield teaches us the transformative mindfulness practice known as "RAIN."

Essential Guide to Buddhist Teachings on Mindfulness

Essential Guide to Buddhist Teachings on Mindfulness

Mindfulness is being purposefully aware, without judgement, of what is happening in your mind, body, and environment in the present moment. Buddhists have been teaching and practicing mindfulness for thousands of years, with “right mindfulness” being the seventh step on the Buddha’s Eightfold Path to awakening. Here, Diana Winston, Gaylon Ferguson, Anushka Fernandopulle, and more…

Buddha shakyamuni sculpture sitting in meditation.

The Four Foundations of Mindfulness

According to the late Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, spirituality means relating with the working basis of one’s existence, which is one’s state of mind.

From The Under 35 Project: “A Lesson in Mindfulness on a Lazy Summer’s Day”

Christopher Willard's father’s magic trick taught him his first lesson on mindful awareness and the power of concentration at the age of seven

10 Tips for a Mindful Home

Karen Maezen Miller offers 10 simple tips for a mindful home.

Mindfulness is the Best Medicine

After 13 years as a Buddhist nun, Sister Dang Nghiem looks back on her medical career and realizes monastic practice and medicine aren’t that different.

Mindfulness: The Most Direct Path

Insight teacher James Baraz teaches how to train mindfulness with sitting meditation from the Vipassana tradition.

Thich Nhat Hanh on The Practice of Mindfulness

The late Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh teaches five simple exercises to help you live with joy.

Here, Now, Aware: The Power of Mindfulness

It’s the essence of the contemplative path and the key to transforming our lives. Insight Meditation teacher Joseph Goldstein describes this simple yet profound expression of our mind’s natural awareness.